Scrooge and the problem of force

Ebenezer Scrooge in Dickens’ “A Christmas Carol” is one of the most horrendous of fictional characters. Asked by two “pleasant,” “portly” gentlemen to donate to the poor, he refuses, saying that if they die it would decrease the “surplus population.” In short, he would rather see the poor die than release some of his money to help them.

But of course as we all know, Scrooge changes by the end of the book. Confronted with his own past and the realities around him, he becomes a beneficent and ebullient donor, a truly changed man. The things that seemed ridiculous to him in the past, helping those in need and being kind to family and friends, suddenly seem of prime importance to the new Scrooge.

But notice that Scrooge is never forced to change. None of the ghosts compel him to become virtuous. No government official comes and takes half of his money and gives it to the poor. Scrooge’s transformation is all about a voluntary change of heart. In this sense, his story is the most Christian story of all: he changes from CS Lewis’s tin soldier into a real man of flesh and bone, a person much more like the Savior himself.

Scrooge’s story would be completely meaningless if compulsion had been involved. We can imagine “Robin Hood” scenarios where “good” people come to take his money and give it away to the more deserving. But such scenarios seem ludicrous precisely because the point of the story is the beauty of Scrooge’s voluntary transformation. Christ does not want an unwilling, forced virtuousness: he wants us to come to Him because we are contrite and anxious to change.

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Review: A Most Remarkable Book – the DVD

Review: “A Most Remarkable Book” video

Tyler Livingston recently asked me to review his new FAIR production, “A Most Remarkable Book”, about the Book of Abraham.  Previously, due to replication issues, I was sent the DVD case, but not the DVD itself, and so provided a tongue-in-cheek review of the cover.

Being a good sport, Tyler still decided to send me the DVD (now I have two cases), hoping for an in-depth review of the actual film.  I was excited to review the video, to see how in-depth they would go on a variety of issues tied directly or indirectly to the Book of Abraham.  For someone wanting to see the LDS arguments relating to the Kirtland Egyptian Papers, you will have to look elsewhere.  There are many good papers and discussions on it at Foundation for Apologetic Information and Research (FAIR), Kerry Shirts’ Backyard Professor website, and Mormon Dialogue forum..  Rather than an intensive scholarly work, this video is made for the average viewer to gain an understanding on some complex issues on a more basic level.  The focus of the discussion is on the papyri itself, and the text’s and facsimiles’ ties with modern archaeological evidence.
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Our personal liberties

Ron Paul recently stated we should have the right to drink raw, whole milk.  Some have mocked him for it.  But his point is that government, and especially the federal government stomps on our personal liberties way too much.

Here is an example from CATO, about a case where a man was mowing his lawn in an urban community.  Cops stopped to check him out, and became aggressive.  They hit him, giving him a black eye, and charging him with two counts of assault on a police officer.  Later, the judge chastised the police officers for trampling on basic rights of a man that was just minding his own business.

We now have the feds passing laws allowing American citizens to be stopped, imprisoned, and even killed in some instances, without proper due process of law, all in the name of the war on terrorism.  Guess what? The war on drugs did not work, and the over-active actions of a war on terrorism will only eliminate more of the rights endowed upon us by our Creator.

When the government gets so far into our lives that they harass people for drinking milk or mowing a lawn, it is time to knock that government back down to an appropriate size.