Original Poetry: By the Hand of Uriah

In the months I was preparing to visit Israel last year, I listened to a great deal of the Old Testament while riding my bicycle to and from work. Listening instead of reading helped me approach the scriptures in a way that prompted new insights and ideas, and I unexpectedly found that listening inspired me with some ideas for poetry to write.

Though I am not a prolific poet, the poetry I write is usually infused with gospel concepts and imagery. But I had never thought of poetry so directly inspired by scriptural narratives before.

As is usual for me, the time between when the idea for a poem occurs to me and when I actually write it is substantial. It has been well over a year, and I am now approaching the one year anniversary of my trip to Israel for Sukkot, the Feast of the Tabernacles.

This last Sunday, I sat down and wrote a draft of the first poem, and then honed it during the next day and a half. Hope you enjoy it.

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“We’re Just Jesus People” and Street Cred

Another one of the Benson boys is serving a mission. Piano Man, who is now Elder Benson, wrote to us from his mission in California:

“There is some serious gang activity here. I hear cops all the time, and I’ve heard gunshots. Gang members have talked to my trainer in the past;  he says gang members are  really nice and don’t bother us (missionaries), because we’re just Jesus people.  One of our investigators, who used to be in a gang, told us the only gang that will mess with missionaries is a gang moving in from Fresno called the Bulldogs. They beat up pretty much everyone, but the other gangs have had a ceasefire with each other, and are focusing on getting the Bulldogs out. There is a lot of pot here. The air smells like a mixture of dry, sea salt, and Mexican food. It’s interesting.”

Richard Drutcher's States of Grace


Am I worried? Well, yeah kinda.  Elder Benson is a happy, confident, hippie-kind-of-guy who could make friends with a rock;  except for stray bullets and getting hit by a car while riding his bike, I think he will be okay. What I am wondering, how much “Street Cred” do Mormon missionaries get in dangerous areas around the world. For those of you who have served in places which “kinda made your mama nervous”, what kinds of advice or tales do you have to share with me, and the rest of our readers.  Please do tell, because inquiring minds want to know.


Something to Look Forward To

I haven’t posted for a while. And I might not post again for another week or so. Why? Because Nathan Richardson and I are in the middle of rebuilding www.ldsphilosopher.com. From scratch. It will be a brand new site, like a phoenix from the ashes. It will be far, far better than the previous site was. It will have new content at least twice a week. It will have resources you’ve never even dreamed of. You’ll be addicted to it. It will be awesome.

Anyways, it has kept us busy for the past week or so, and will continue keeping us busy for another week or so.

Just want to whet your appetite. =) More updates upcoming!

Evangelicals preach to drunken frat partiers at Vanderbilt

I am offering this free of any personal observations.  I am not endorsing or condemning the evangelicals involved.  From a Mormon perspective, I just found this video fascinating.  A couple of evangelicals drove past several frat parties at Vanderbilt University over the weekend.  They then preached to the partiers.   Among the comments made by the evangelicals:  “No drunkard will go to heaven.”  “Women, put on some clothes.”  As you may imagine, some harsh words were directed back at the evangelicals.  Take a look.  I really would prefer charitable comments be left here.  I am not interested in comments condemning the evangelicals or the drunkards involved.