“Progressive” instead of “liberal”, “federal family” instead of “government”. Libya engagement is not a war. Are we entering into the realm of Newspeak?
Not a new issue, as we’ve all seen terms change before to enhance the image of government. But isn’t it creepy that it now seems to be an automatic thing for government to just change titles or concepts, just as in Orwell’s 1984 it was nothing to be at war with one nation one week, and be their friend fighting the previous week’s ally?
Recently, Congress claimed to be “cutting spending” when they were really just cutting back on the amount of extra debt they wanted to spend. So, if the budget was $100 and they wanted to spend $150, they claimed they would cut $25 and save us from going deeper into debt. Isn’t this NewSpeak, as well?
FEMA’s Family http://www.palmbeachpost.com/storm/femas-use-of-term-federal-family-for-government-1808751.html
Newspeak http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Newspeak
What forms of Newspeak do you see coming from government or political candidates? And does it concern you?