An Outline of the Old Testament

[Cross Posted from Sixteen Small Stones]

Back in October of 2009, Daniel Bartholomew and I announced our ScriptureLog project, an open source plugin that turns WordPress into a collaborative scripture study platform.  At that time only we only had The Book of Mormon available.

Then in November, we released an update to add the Old Testament.

When we released the Book of Mormon, I had taken the time to develop a Book of Mormon outline, and I wanted to outline the Old Testament as well.

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Why Women Do Not Have the Priesthood

Over the Christmas break, the Bensons in true geek fashion, undertook a marathon of watching the entire Star Wars movies, including the cartoons. We did this in part,  because Tex, Piano Man, and Flash are big Star Wars Fans; also as a fun way to remember Mike, who was a Star Wars geek. Hong Mei loves to watch movies  or TV and she  identifies with either the villain or the dominant male hero.  Jie Jie and I hoped she would instead want to be  Princess Leia or Padme Amidala. Instead, in typical Hong Mei fashion, she became a big fan of  Darth Vader.

Hong Mei as Darth Vader and Flash as Unfortunate Rebel

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Children Crying? -Don’t Overreact…Understand Instead!

I was baking bread one day when I heard a commotion coming from downstairs. The children then came to tell me what was happening because they didn’t know where their friend was and had grown concerned. I  discovered that one of our darling little friends had broken a toy.

This little five year old girl had been playing with the toy when it accidentally dropped and broke. She was so worried about getting into trouble, she had run off and hidden herself. Continue reading

Helping in Haiti

The following news release from the Church appears on

SALT LAKE CITY |13 January 2010| The Church released the following statement this morning regarding the earthquake in Haiti:

We express our sympathy and prayers on behalf of the citizens of Haiti following the recent devastating earthquake. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is immediately shipping humanitarian relief, including personal hygiene kits and supplies for newborns. Efforts are underway to determine further humanitarian response in coordination with government and disaster relief organizations. Donations for relief efforts can be made at

All missionaries serving in the country are safe, and we continue efforts to account for Church members in the area.  


Please remember to keep the people of Haiti in your thoughts and prayers.