Children Arguing ~ How To Teach a Different Way

“Waaaahaaaaa!” My five-year-old son Porter was screaming on the other side of the family room. He held on to a shoe belonging to Paije, his much older sister, as she tried to wrench it away from his grasp. I looked over just in time to see this but before I could say anything, Paije grabbed the first shoe away from Porter and reached for its twin, still attached to his foot.

“Give me the shoe, Porter!” Paije ordered as Porter let out another wail.

I quickly stepped in before someone got hurt again. “Paije, you need to stop touching Porter Continue reading

Elder Clayton on the economy

I was fortunate enough to be in Honolulu on Jan. 17 and hear Elder Clayton, a member of the Seventy, talk at a special stake conference.  His primary subject was on remaining faithful during difficult economic times.  Given that the First Presidency’s message in January was a similar theme, it seems appropriate to discuss it here.

Elder Clayton’s primary point seemed to be:  be loyal to the church, pay your tithing, do your calling and home/visiting teaching, hold Family Home Evening, scripture study and family prayer, and things will turn out OK.

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Temple Institute in Jerusalem- “Sons of Levi Prepare to Offer an Offering to the Lord”

The Temple Institute ( Hebrew translation: Machon HaMikdash) located in the Jewish quarter of Jerusalem’s Old City, was founded on the principle of action. Rabbi Yisreal Ariel, a distinguished Rabbi and founder and head of the institute since 1987 is paraphrased in the following from the website:

Every generation is obligated to do all within its power towards rebuilding the Holy Temple this, as opposed to those who believe that we must wait for the Messiah to arrive before it can be rebuilt.

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