Are there similarities between Muslim and Mormon persecution?

Sen. Hatch said something yesterday regarding the Fort Hood massacre that I think is very reasonable:

I don’t think all Islamic people in this country should be tarred by the fact that one guy goes off the rails.  I think we ought to be fair.  There are many wonderful Islamic people in this country.  One of the best is my old friend Muhammad Ali.  He’s a great, great person.  You can’t put everybody in that category because one guy goes nuts.

I thank Sen. Hatch for this sane, uplifting comment.  But I do think he is missing the point in some ways.

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The Wall Fell

I’ve been thinking a lot about freedom lately, but not for the reasons you might think.  Today is November 9, 2009, the 20th anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall.

In the summer of 1989, I was 16.  I watched with great interest the massacre of Tianamen Square.  All those people wanted was freedom; and I prayed for that man that stood defiantly in front of the column of tanks.  In Europe thousands of East Germans, under the hope of Perestroika and Glasnost began to flood in to the West German embassies in Hungary and Czechoslovakia with the hope of gaining admission to West Germany, and their freedom.  It was an eventful summer; I wondered what would be the eventual outcome.  I prayed for all of those people.  I prayed that somehow they would be free. Continue reading

10.2% unemployment? Quick, add a blogger!!

Now that the nation’s unemployment rate is at 10.2%, M* is doing its part to spur economic recovery by adding another blogger to our team.

Joyce Brinton Anderson previously guest posted at M*, sharing the story of her missionary Christmas in Bulgaria.

I’m betting that Ben Pratt knows Joyce (he seems to have some connection with all of our newer M* bloggers), but I’m sure he doesn’t know that Joyce’s uncle was my scoutmaster. Take that, Ben!

Welcome, Joyce!