Guest Post: Turnabout and Fair Play

The following is submitted by M* reader jimbob.

jimbob is a happily married father of two disturbingly good-looking boys.  He likes the movie “Condorman” and fancies himself a connoisseur of fine jellos.

During and after the political melee that was Prop. 8, I read several posts in the bloggernacle from faithful members who wanted to be clear that they could be members in good standing while arguing with the Church’s position on that referendum.  In essence, the argument was that one can oppose the Church’s stance on this divisive issue–sometimes vociferously–while still qualifying for a temple recommend.

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New blogger for M*: Nicholeen Peck

The world’s strictest parent (Utah) is now M*’s latest blogger.  Nicholeen Peck, who was featured in the BBC show helping out two wayward British youths, will be writing several times a month for M*, primarily on parenting issues.  Nicholeen, a mother of four, has her own web site,, where she dispenses parenting advice.  She has a long history of helping parents manage children with discipline problems.  We welcome Nicholeen to our humble blog.

Guest post: the world’s strictest parent speaks!

We are truly honored to present to you a guest post by Nicholeen Peck.  If you have not heard of Nicholeen, she and her family star in a BBC show “The World’s Strictest Parents,” in which two troubled teenagers from the UK travel to the Peck’s suburban home in Utah, where they encounter a pretty strict LDS home-shooled family.  As a parent of four kids, I was extremely impressed with how Nicholeen and her husband dealt with the two youths, both of whom boasted of drinking, doing drugs, smoking, dressing immodestly. etc.  One of the youths got pregnant when she was 15.  You can imagine the sparks flying when the youths faced “house rules” including no smoking, no drugs, no drinking, no dressing immodestly and no caffeine.  I will not spoil the ending, but I will say that the show treated the Pecks and the LDS religion very favorably.

Please visit Nicholeen’s web site here to see the show.  There are six segments, and it will take about an hour to watch the entire thing.  All parents should watch this show.  Your lovely young kids will someday be teenagers, and you had better be ready to deal with them.  Nicholeen’s techniques — being calm and consistent but sticking to your guns no matter what — are brilliant.

By Nicholeen Peck

How it All Began

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