The church of male chauvinists

We had a stake priesthood meeting Sunday night.  In case anybody is wondering what stake leaders tell the men when they have them all alone in the stake center, with no women there to hear their dark secrets, I am about to let you in on something confidential:  we are all often told not to be male chauvinists.  I know this is disappointing to many, but it is nevertheless true. Continue reading

Popsicle sticks and breaking the comandments

My home teacher came over yesterday, bringing an object lesson for my children on obedience.

The lesson involved several popsicle sticks with different commandments written on each stick. My home teacher handed my son and daughter individual popsicle sticks and asked them if they could break the sticks. Naturally, my son and daughter easily broke the popsicle sticks. Our home teacher explained that it was easy for Satan to get us to break individual commandments, but that it would be difficult for him to get us to break several commandments at one time.

Our home teacher handed my son several popsicle sticks and asked him to try and break them all at once. He could not.

Next, he challenged me to break all of the popsicle sticks at one time. After a little time and effort—crack! I broke all of the commandments, er, popsicle sticks at one time.

I’m afraid this was not the most effective object lesson for my kids, especially when they see how easy it is for their dad to break several commandments at one time.

What are some of your favorite home teaching object lessons for kids? Do you prepare a lesson specifically for the children of the families you home teach? Or, as a parent, do you like it when your home teacher brings a lesson for your children?

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God’s favorite scripture

Last Saturday night my wife shared her notes from Deseret Book’s “Time Out for Women” conference with me. While I hope to share more notes with M* readers after she types them up, one key point stood out from a talk given by LDS author John Bytheway.

My wife asked me what I though God’s favorite scripture might be. There are so many good scriptures that could qualify as His favorite, but the answer given by John Bytheway made sense to me–the sacrament prayers (here and here).

Why would these be God’s favorite scripture? Discuss.