Book Review: The New York Regional Mormon Singles Halloween Dance

New York Regional Mormon Singles Dance

A gifted story teller and comedian, Elna Baker takes us on a roller coaster ride of wicked fun.  With candid humor she relates her struggles as a  chunky kid and young adult, growing up NOT in Utah, but in Seattle, Madrid and London. She chooses to attend NYU instead of BYU as a young adult, setting her dream on becoming a New York actress. With astonishing will-power, Elna sheds eighty pounds fast and discovers she has not changed, but men, in general, react differently to the now svelte Elna.  With great comedic skill Elna Baker weaves for the world a tale that is  one part journey of faith, one part laugh-out loud funny, and the remaining part adorable, yet carnal.  In the pen of a lesser talent,  this tale would come off as goofy, instead The New York Regional Mormon Singles Halloween Dance is a delight.

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The Book of Mormon made simple and the Hill Cumorah

This video provides the simplified version of the story of the Book of Mormon.  I think it’s a great thing to share with friends and neighbors, so much so that I forwarded it to my non-member friends on Facebook.  However, I spotted one significant error in the video and one implied error.  So, in the spirit of “constructive criticism,” I’m offering them up here.  Please feel free to add any additional errors that I may have missed.  But please be nice.

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Sympathy morning sickness…from thousands of miles away?

So, my wife is pregnant.  Yes, I know, I am way, way, WAAY too old to be having another newborn.  But it still is a wonderful thing.

Except for that sympathy morning sickness.  I mean, doesn’t the Bible say Eve is supposed to suffer during childbirth, not Adam (Gen. 3:16)?  I have been traveling for a week now, and I have had sympathy morning sickness all day long the whole time.  Apparently there is no geographic limitation to this malady.

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ScriptureLog for WordPress – Flooding the Internet with The Book of Mormon

[Cross Posted from Sixteen Small Stones]

Before I get into the tedious specifics, let me get right to the main announcement.

Daniel Bartholomew and I are very excited to introduce you to ScriptureLog.

[We appear to be having some issues with our web host.  We hope to have it resolved soon. So if it doesn’t load try again after a while.]


Scripturelog is a free, open source plugin for the popular WordPress blogging platform that turns WordPress into a collaborative online LDS scripture study journal.

scripturesThe plugin installs volumes of scripture into WordPress as hierarchical, inter-linking pages of books, chapters, and verses. Once the pages are installed, you can use the built-in features of WordPress by yourself or in collaboration with others to read the scriptures, take notes, and discuss the gospel.

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