A Review: Nobody Knows: The Untold Story of Black Mormons

Award winning authors Darius Gray and Margaret Blair Young, along with new filmmaker Danor Gerald have brought to us a documentary entitled Nobody Knows: The Untold Story of Black Mormons.  This eye-opening inspiring film ought to be required viewing for faithful members of the LDS church. This is a little known segment of LDS history about incredibly faithful members of the church who endured and continue to endure persecution from both within and without the church.  Nobody Knows delves into the experiences of LDS Black Americans, rather than the  Priesthood ban and it’s influence on the International Church. Nobody Knows is a powerful testimony of perseverance and faith demonstrated by Black Latter-day-Saints of  both past and present.

Like a tightrope walker moving carefully along the wire, master storytellers Gray and Young expertly balance truth as their guide. Nobody Knows allows each individual, including 19th century  Black Mormon pioneers, and today’s modern day pioneers, to  honestly share their unique perspective through interviews, historical footage, and written accounts. Nobody Knows frankly  denounces the racist doctrines surrounding the Priesthood ban.  Delicately this film reveals the Priesthood ban as policy and not doctrine.  Nobody Knows truthfully recounts the terrible racism Black American Latter-day Saints endured; and balances it with comments by leaders in the church condemning racism. Nobody Knows is a worthy film to warm your heart, thoughtfully educate,  and strengthen your spirit. 


For more information and how to order the DVD please see:



A few days in the life of a guy trying to be a member missionary

Bottom line:  I don’t do nearly enough to discuss the Gospel with the people around me.  But every once in a while I have a few interesting days where I do some good things.  Read on to hear about one Latter-day Saint handing out a Book of Mormon to a Palestinian Muslim and offering a blessing to a non-member co-worker who knows nothing about the Church.

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The Atlantic proposes that Obama appoint Mitt to head the new GM

This article proposes that Mitt Romney be appointed to head the new General Government Motors.  Obama gets to coopt another potential 2012 rival (and another Mormon one at that).  Mitt gets…well, I’m not sure what Mitt gets out of the deal but a lot of headaches and the thrill of being coopted, but that was apparently enough for Gov. Huntsman.

But more seriously, it is possible to see that Mitt might find the assignment interesting.  What if he is able to help turn GM around, just like he did with the Olympics? He could be another Lee Iacocca!