Fifteen years ago I woke up with a massive hangover and decided something had to change. The night before I was pouring myself a drink and my little girl came up and asked me for some. I said, “no, this is poison.” She didn’t know what the word poison meant, so she said, “I want some poison.”
Something had to change.
I was not a huge drinker. I don’t know if I was technically an alcoholic, but I was getting to the point where I would have many drinks four or five days a week. I was waking up at 3 a.m. with a hangover all the time. I did not like where my life was going, and I felt an incredible sense of guilt pressing on me, like I was wasting a precious gift.
A few weeks before I had begun, out of the blue, to read the Bible. I had reached the age of 35 without ever reading more than a few passages. I could sense that something new was coming, something frightening but also promising.
So I woke up one morning 15 years ago, feeling disgusted that I was drinking poison, and told myself I would never do it again. And I haven’t.
I was luckier than other people. I did not feel any withdrawal symptoms, my hands didn’t shake, and within a few days I was really OK with this new reality, the sober me. I never went to AA or any other similar program. I took it one day at a time. When I thought about getting a drink, I would simply force myself to think about something else. I changed my habits. For months I would go out of my way not to drive by my favorite liquor stores.
It was easier for me than others. The Lord was helping me. He was holding out his hands. I was taking some steps toward Him, like a toddler toward a parent. And then He was holding me, but I didn’t know I was being held at the time.
When I was drinking, I did not see any way out. My vision was very limited. I would spend a lot of time every afternoon anticipating that first drink, telling myself how fun it would be to buy a six-pack and watch a football game. I would spend all week thinking about those pitchers of beer at the bar, but afterwards I would say to myself, “is this all there is?”
Reading the Bible got me thinking. God was not the stern authoritarian I thought He was. He was forgiving and loving. Even though His people kept on doing stupid things, He kept on offering them another chance. All they had to do was take a step toward Him.
When I finished the Old Testament, I thought I might be a Deist because I definitely could believe in that God. I had no knowledge of both the Father and the Son. So I read the New Testament, and I remember very clearly the moment I read the Sermon on the Mount. This was the Man I wanted to follow, the Man I wanted to be. Why didn’t the world know how wonderful this man, this Jesus, was?
I had some Christian friends at work, and I would talk to them for hours about this man, this Jesus.
And then, completely unexpected, my sister called to say she was getting baptized in the LDS Church. I said, “Religion is good, I believe that now, but a Mormon? Don’t you think they just want you for your money?” She laughed and said no and asked me to fly out for her baptism.
It was at her baptism that the heavens opened. I was surrounded by Joy. I could not stop smiling. I felt love for everyone and everything. I felt true hope and I felt like my life had a direction, although I had no idea what that direction was.
Five months later I got baptized after reading the Book of Mormon for the first time. I am happy to report that I have read the Bible and the Book of Mormon many times since then.
Did the journey start when I first picked up the Bible, or did it start 15 years ago when I woke up one morning with a hangover and decided not to drink again? I don’t know. But I know I am blessed. Five kids, a wonderful wife, a beautiful life with opportunities to help others and be a tiny bit like that Man I love. Thank you Lord for these 15 years. I could not have done it without you.
New Post: 15 years: Fifteen years ago I woke up with a massive hangover and decided something had… #LDS #Mormon
TheMillennialStar: 15 years #lds #mormon
Geoff, in all the time I’ve known you, I have never heard your story. Thank you for sharing it. 🙂
Geoff, I’m proud to be your brother. Thank you for your example and for sharing this story! -Evan
Thank you so much for sharing your story with us. It got me a little teary eyed and made me a little ashamed for being so casual with my own testimony and membership in the church lately. I grew up with the church and I think that has made me complacent. Kind of like how I’ve lived in Utah all my life and have never been skiing. People from other places in the world spend huge amounts of money to come here to ski, and here I sit with those big, beautiful mountains in my backyard and I don’t take advantage of it. Shame on me. 🙂
Joyce, thanks for commenting.
Evan, thanks for being such a good (much) older brother.
Aaron, I have been weeping all morning. The Savior is a very great Savior.
I love you Daddy.
I am so proud to be your daughter
Thanks Lulu!!!!
Beautiful story. I’m going to print it out for my son to read.
Great story. Thanks for sharing it, Geoff.
One quick comment: while studying my genealogy I discovered that many of my ancestors were the quiet members of the Church who never took leadership positions. One such ancestor was a man named Cyril Call, who lived in Missouri and then Illinois and then Utah. Very few people have heard of him. He quietly went about his business serving the Lord. He was a man of calm consistency. One lesson I have learned about this is that I have tremendous admiration for the people who joined the church when they were children and have quietly done their best most of their lives. There is something much more admirable about that then living life the way I did, which is to flame out and then get rescued. I am glad I was rescued, but I think it is more admirable to be one of those quiet consistent people than a noisy flameout like myself. Just my .02.
Very touching tale. Tears came to my eyes. Thank you for sharing.
I’m so glad you shared this, Geoff. Congrats on the last 15 years!
Not a common commenter, but thank you for sharing this.
As for your comment, I think both types are admirable. In different ways and for different reasons, perhaps, but still.
Leonard R, I don’t disagree, but it would have been more admirable for me to have been a better guy all along. 🙂
Thanks for sharing. I love to hear conversion stories and how people’ s lives are changed when they embrace the gospel. Everybody’s journey is different but the destination is the same, back into our Heavenly Father and Jesus’ arms. I cannot wait to be embraced by them again.
Thanks, Geoff. Congratulations to you and thanks for sharing your wonderful story. Many more years of spiritual fulfillment to you.
I forgot to mention, one of my most favorite thing is hearing people’s conversion stories. I’ve been a member of the church my whole life, so I just love hearing how people come to join. Every summer Middle Age Mormon Man does a great series called ‘Hug a Convert’. It’s so inspirational.
Congratulations Geoff!
Huge congrats, Geoff.
Thanks Geoff! This made my sunday!