Friday Forum: Hebrews 11:1 and Alma 32:21: Let God be God and Just Let Go

Discuss Hebrews 11:1 and Alma 32:21


Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. Hebrews 11:1

And now as I said concerning faith—faith is not to have a perfect knowledge of things; therefore if ye have faith ye hope for things which are not seen, which are true. Alma 32:21

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Guest Post: A Bulgarian Christmas

Joyce Brinton Anderson was kind enough to share the following missionary  story with M*.

Joyce is a former high school social studies teacher, but is now working as Chief of Domestic Operations for the Anderson Family.  She graduated from BYU with a “useful liberal arts” degree in International Relations, and has half a masters degree with no desire to ever finish what she started.  She served a full time mission in Bulgaria as well.  She and her husband teach the member missionary Sunday School class in their ward when they are not running after their almost-toddler son.  In her “spare” time (haha) Joyce is a news/politics junkie, reads, tries to bake things without much suscess and dreams of going to England, Scotland and Ireland to see where her favorite BBC shows were filmed.

I spent one Christmas away from my family on a mission in Bulgaria. My companion, Sister Johnson and I, were really looking forward to this Christmas, our missionary Christmas. We’d planned to spend it with members of the Plovdiv Branch of the LDS Church and visiting less active members of the Branch, we were excited to have this time in Bulgaria and to have time to focus on the Savior. We even had an investigator coming to the branch Christmas party, which made us feel very good about our efforts of late.

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Random Mormon Poll #14: What to do in Afghanistan?

Photo Credit: Pete Souza / The White House

Photo Credit: Pete Souza / The White House

A recent ABC News-Washington Post Poll shows only 45 percent of respondents approve of  President Obama’s handling of the war in Afghanistan.

Forty-five percent now approve of the president’s handling of the situation, down by 10 points in a month, 15 points since August and 18 points from its peak last spring. His approval rating on Afghanistan has fallen farther than on any other issue in ABC News/Washington Post polls this year.

Click here for PDF with charts and questionnaire.

[Source: ABC News]

What do you think President Obama should do in Afghanistan?

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